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정박사 영어 (구: 오마이리딩닷컴) 유튜브 강의 목록


London's Pointe Black Ballet School Aims to Break Racial Barriers (October 09, 2023)

How Do You Stay 'In Shape'? (October 07, 2023)

Two Cubans Combine Fishing, Farming for Better Food Production (October 05, 2023)

Training Program in Pakistan Helps Afghan Women (October 04, 2023)

Guinean Student Rides across Africa to Get to School (October 02, 2023)

'Boilerplate' Language Is All Business (September 30, 2023)

What to Know about October's Solar Eclipse (September 25, 2023)

Striking Writers Announce Deal with Hollywood Producers (September 25, 2023)

For US, Art in Federal Buildings Is a Must (September 22, 2023)

Winter Sea Ice in Antarctica Reaches Record Low (September 26, 2023)


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